Both yesterday and today I went to a few estate sales with my friend Kathy, and because of that, I got a little distracted and totally forgot to snap photos until after I got home!
Except for this very important one!!!
Just look at that FACE! MEOW. That's the cat's name. MEOW. |
One estate sale I went to was of a man that is moving to Mexico~ and that bastard is not taking his lovely cat, who is just as social as a sweet dog! I'm not a cat person, but this is my kind of cat. If the rest of my family would allow it, he'd now be living at my house, getting all the love and affection he deserves. The people running the sale said they will give him to anyone that will provide a loving home for him. He's at 4208 Allencrest. Go get him NOW and make your life, and his, happier. He's the best thing the house had to offer
for sure. BTW, if you're interested in a pole, yes, that's what a said,
a pole, as in stripper pole, they're selling one right out of the guy's bedroom for $125. Other than the cat, the guy did not have good taste, so there's really no reason to bother with this one. Other than to
go get that cat. Someone, please go get that cat. I can't stop thinking about him...
None of the estate sales we stopped by were very impressive. Some weeks are just like that. My theory is, if the first 2 estate sales of the day aren't good, probably none of them will be. I don't know how or why it tends to work out that way in my experience, but it does!
We went to one on 6491 Bordeaux that was not good. They had stamps, old papers, and stuff I think they should give away rather than sell.
There was a sale on 1233 Whispering Oaks (in Richardson) that already looked pretty picked over by Friday. Maybe they did well and sold a lot on Thursday when it started. There were some cool vintage toys there tho...
Another disappointing stop we made was 407 Lynn in Richardson. The homeowner was obviously a smoker so we just tried to get in and out of there as quickly as possible. It seemed pretty stinky and dirty.
We also stopped in at 3849 Pallos Verdas. There was some nice furniture and actually lots of nice stuff, but it was priced about twice as high as it should be... Which means, if you wait for the 50% off markdowns on Sunday, you'll be able to buy some great stuff-
if it's still there! That's the big risk of waiting for mark-downs.
I found a few things at 7110 Cornelia (it started on Thursday). I wanted to find a few vintage jewelry boxes and I found a couple here. It's funny how you can find something once you put them on the radar. Maybe I've seen jewelry boxes at estate sales before and just not noticed them, but now that I'm actually looking, they seem pretty abundant.
vintage jewelry boxes--- and a cute little dish i couldn't resist |
vintage jewelry boxes |
little vintage pin- i LOVE emerald green |
I found another jewelry box, and a few pretty vintage pins and a pair of gorgeous cufflinks for my husband at a sale I stopped by Thursday on 1513 Wildwood. I got lucky because the regular cashiers were on break when I paid for my stuff, and so even tho I had heard them tell some customers, "Sorry, no mark downs since this is Day 1 of the sale", the man that rang me up let me wheel and deal. Luck was on my side, and I think it was about time after all those other estate sales earlier in the day that were such disappointments!
So even on an off week, there are still treasures to be found! And it's always fun. Especially with a friend along!
Hopefully Meow has found a home by now. But you might want to check... Free to a good home. And he'd be the best bargain you'd ever find at any estate sale. MEOW.
MEOW the cat needs a good home!!! Go get him at 4208 Allencrest!! |