It's weird. We're now about a week and a half away from driving out to Colorado, but since it's not yet the official MOVE, it doesn't feel totally legit. And although I lay wide awake in bed in the middle of the night wondering about what needs to be done, I'm not quite sure WHEN exactly this or that needs to be done. And I'm not even totally sure WHAT needs to be done. At least, not at this point.
What I do know, is that a lot of this "move to Colorado" is still unknown. Let me list just a few of the many examples.
What We Don't Yet Know:
1. When Fermin will get his new job
2. (So, therefore...) Where Fermin will work
3. How often Fermin will travel-- will we need to be close to airport? Is that even a big deal to us? (probably not)
4. How we'll like our rental house (we actually haven't seen it yet, other than online) So, will we stay there beyond a month, or will we find another house to stay in?
5.When exactly our Dallas house will actually go on the market to be sold. (Soon, but we're waiting on a few other houses to list first- Timing could really be advantage on our selling price.)
6. How long will it take for our house to sell? (and for how much?)
6. When will we come back to Dallas to pack ALL of our stuff up.
7. How much of our furniture do we even want to move anyway? (probably not much. we love the idea of a clean slate.)
8. Where specifically do we want to live in CO? (the Denver AREA is pretty big and spread out. we have some ideas, but we definitely need to learn a lot more before making such a big decision)
Like I said, just a FEW of the unknowns.
So, this makes packing up a little tricky for now. I believe in packing light, but this isn't just a vacation. I want to feel like I'm in a "home" no matter where we stay over the next 6 months or so. Having just the right of my most important things with me seems like a good idea. But ack-- there's so much I just have to box up and leave behind for now.
Last week, I made Fermin get down all of the boxes of my packed up jewelry supplies. I thought I could pick out just SOME stuff to take with me, and then I could get the remainder later, once we are more settled. But I just couldn't take
some of it, without wanting to take
all of it. And there's just not room. So I taped those boxes back up after about a solid hour of mental anguish. Now, I'm just going to let that GO, and try to not think about my jewelry and my Etsy shop until we've sold the house and moved EVERYTHING. I will live, and my jewelry will be waiting patiently.
And by the way, I realize that most likely, when we move all our our things, much of it will go into a storage facility for a certain amount of time. The Dallas house selling market seems to still be pretty hot. The Denver buying market sounds pretty competitive. And that's once you actually know where you want to live! And have a job! ;)
So yes- this shit is pretty complicated.
Fermin, being Fermin doesn't seem worried about any of the details- Thank GOD. Because the day he is worried is the day I have a complete nervous breakdown. I don't think he wastes his mental energy on the unknowns or the things that we can't control.
And that's the thing: We can't control exactly how things unfold. And that is a statement that isn't just about our current situation with the move, but really, life in general.
I know from experience that staying positive definitely feels better when I can swing it. Most days I can, but some days... Not so much. But I'm doing my best. In the end I know things always work out as they should. And, as my Dad says, "Every days' a good day- as long as you're alive."
When I can embrace the positive spin on this, I realize it's one of the most exciting times I've had in a long time, if not ever. Right now, it's a huge world of possibility. There is currently total freedom.
And so many unknowns.