Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Neither me or Lucy like to get sick.  And we don't like taking medicine!
I don't know where, or how, or why- but somehow, a couple of weeks ago, Lucy had kennel cough, or as I kept accidentally referring to it- whooping cough.  Poor girl sounded like she couldn't breathe, and all the coughing seemed to be wearing her out.

As it turns out, kennel cough refers to any upper respiratory infection a dog gets.  If your dog happens to stay in a kennel with another dog with a cough, it's very likely it would catch it because it's highly contagious. And if you think the vaccine will protect them, well it won't.  There are lots of strains out there, and the vaccination is only for one strain.  Or something like that...

Fortunately, Ricky didn't catch it from Lucy.
And fortunately, Lucy is finished taking her pills!
And the cough seems to be gone now.

I have also been taking medicine.  Steroids!  First, a shot to help calm down my trigger finger.  Then, one of those packs you take for about 5 days, for poison ivy.  The poison ivy is all gone, but the trigger finger never really went away.  And over the last week or so, it's worse than ever.

Steroids are just horrible for my blood sugars (but I just take more insulin), and I know it's just not good to be on them unless it's absolutely necessary.  But the deal is, not only is my thumb getting stuck and triggering, it's very painful.  And I'm a big fan of getting to use my hands...  To play the guitar, and to make jewelry especially.

So please say a little prayer, or send some good mojo, or whatever it is that you do to help a girl who wants to be on the mend!  I have an appointment to get yet another cortisone shot next week, but I'm really hoping I have some improvement between now and then.  Enough so that I can sleep at night without my thumb waking me up.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


I went to "AntiqueWeekend" in Warrenton, Texas this past weekend.  Although it's called Antique Weekend, it's neither just antiques nor does it last just a weekend!! And even though I said "in Warrenton", it's not just in Warrenton...  It's several other little towns around there, too.
But in a nutshell, if you're familiar with First Monday's in Canton, it's like that but on major steroids.

It just goes on and on.  And on and on.  And on and on.

I was really only there for a day.  And that was plenty for me. 
miles and miles

and miles and miles

Just a sampling of the good, the bad and the ugly...
First, something that I really never want to see unless attached to a living animal:
Next, something I considered buying for my husband who's an avid golfer (I'm kidding.  You know that, right?):
A vintage skirt I seriously loved, but didn't buy:
A bed and it's accessories that I wanted to take a little nap in:
my ferris wheel candle holder

And lastly, here's the stuff I did happen to buy and bring home as a memento for my first Antique Weekend...

vintage jewelry parts for repurposing