Wednesday, October 18, 2006

There's Still Time to Make it.... the Texas State Fair if you haven't already been. It runs thru this Sunday. I finally went yesterday.
Let me tell you my highlights, and of course, I won't be able resist the lowlights as well.

1. Birds of the World- THE BEST show out there. These people have raised tons of money to protect some really cool birds and they've brought many to this show. Hawks that soar so close you better watch your head!! And a parrot that can sing "Yankee Doodle Dandy", and "How Much is That Doggie in the Window" in it's entirety. The birds were beautiful and the show was breathtaking! I've seen it before and I will see it every year I go to the fair!

2. Barn Tour- This is NOT your average petting zoo! I got to see a gray kangaroo mommy with a baby in her pouch! I don't think I've ever seen that in real life before! They also had a giraffe, some ostriches, emus, llamas, pigs, sheep, calves,....Lots of beautiful, cute and so-ugly-they're-cool animals.

3. African Acrobats- These guys started off annoying me because they were doing a lot of pretend fighting among each other, but after they warmed up, the did inventive flips and jumps over, under and on top of each other.

4. Top Flight K9s- AWESOME!!! Frisbee catching like I've never seen! Lots of different dogs all with unique tricks and personalities.

5. Pig Races- No, they aren't very fast. This was sad really. Very redneck-y.

6. Chef Sergie the Italian Juggler- Hands down the MOST ANNOYING GUY AT THE FAIR!!!! Rather than speaking about his mostly lame juggling tricks he constantly blew a whistle. By the time his 10 minutes wre up I wanted to shove his whistle up his ...!!! Drove me NUTS!!

7. Marilyn Monroe- Listed as a "show". However, a Marilyn look-alike just posed for pictures. I was expecting her to sing or something... So I was sorely disappointed. Just go check out the butter sculpture of her instead! Also, in the Women's Building you can see a lot of Marilyn memorabilia including gowns from lots of movie premieres that she appeared in.

8. People watching at the Fair is always of interest to me. Loads of people, altho nothing compared to the weekends I'm sure.

There's lots to see and do. And if you're into Turkey legs, fried coke, cotton candy, etc. there's tons of horrible stuff to eat.

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