I've been reading a book by Danny Gregory called Artistic License. One of the things he promotes in the book, is an ILLUSTRATED journal. Being a big journaler, this piqued my interest. Why the illustrations? Well, because for one, it looks more exciting than just handwriting on the page, and according to Danny when you draw something, you look at it intensely and you begin to look at everything differently. A whole new world.
So I began my latest blank journal and decided this time, I'd try to do it as an illlustrated journal. I tried to draw my breakfast. I tried to draw a couple of other things on my mind on that particular morning. None of it was pretty. What I intended to draw didn't equal what appeared on my page. I haven't spent much time with drawing. I sort of never got past the artist I was around the age of 7.
I signed up for a Quickdraw class, which from what I read is a sketching class. Sounds perfect for me. I am so excited to start. TOMORROW! But the icing on the cake is that I asked my brother if he wanted to take the class with me and he said yes! So I think it will be loads of fun. And I think I will become quite the sketcher! I have no where to go but toward improvement in this department!
*Please note, the above illustration was not drawn by me, but subsequent drawings just might be so please stay tuned!
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