Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Heast Castle- Shoes and Dresses!

This is the 3rd and final recap of our recent trip to California.

While we were on the "Upstairs Bedrooms" tour of the Hearst Castle, I started to notice several of the bedrooms had a dress laid across the bed, with shoes on the floor beside it.  It's funny, I seldom lay out clothes the night before, but for some reason, I laid out my outfit for our day at Hearst Castle!  I think I was worried we'd be in a hurry, and living out of a suitcase slows me down.  So, just like the like the ladies who visited Hearst back in the 30s and 40s, I too, laid out the next day's outfit. Coincidence?

I laughed when I saw the laid out ensemble the first time.  By about the 4th time, I decided I needed to start taking pictures.  I'm sad I didn't think to photograph all of them, but here's what I have:
All laid out- ready for the tomorrow!

Love this orange dress with little gold shoes.

A dress, a little jacket, a purse and shoes!  Laid out for the party!

My favorite ensemble- This one even had some jewelry laid out with it!

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