For one of Fermin's Christmas presents, I signed us up for a pottery class at the Creative Arts Center here in Dallas. (See, I'm smart like that. My gift giving is often ultimately a gift for me too!)
This week, was had our first night on the wheel.
Fermin, doing his best Demi Moore, a.k.a. Molly. |
Holy Guacamole! That thing is not as peaceful and meditative as it looks! It's hard. Very hard to be that still and strong and patient with a lump of clay.
I can't tell if Fermin looks happy or scared... |
There are people of various levels taking the class. For us beginners, we're just getting our hands wet with different ways of forming clay- and the wheel is only one of them. The other night, one girl in the class that's been spinning her wheel for about 5 years (no pun intended, well...ok, it was intended), lost a bowl she had so beautifully made last week because it suffered a fatal crack in the drying process. Then, the one she was working on that night was demolished by someone- We don't know who- She had left it sitting outside, unattended, to dry. When she went to check on it, after we had heard voices outside, it had also suffered a fatal blow. She just sort of said, "Oh well...." Had that been me, I would have gone absolutely mad.
I'm not sure I have the patients for the wheel.
Patience.... |
But maybe Fermin does!
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