Originally, it I figured doing any kind of a "weekly challenge" should begin on Monday. BUT, I'm going to change that now. And maybe I'll change it again, depending on how this works out. Doing it on Monday somehow felt rushed. Monday's are always busy and to recap last week's, and think up next week's thang was feeling too "chore-like", so I'm switching this up. Because it's not intended to be a chore. It's intended to be FUN. And it's just for ME anyway. So I make the rules and I can change them. POW.
My last "Thing a Week" was to meditate on a daily basis for a week straight. For as little as just 5 minutes a day. Easy peasy, right? Well, whatever. I've done better, but I still haven't locked into a 7 day streak. But I'm not giving up on it yet!
So this week, starting TODAY (also known as Wednesday), I'm going to continue on with the thing being to meditate a minimum of 5 minutes daily. So far, I've been using the guided meditations on the "Insight Timer" app. It's free, there's a big selection, and I like it. I do the guided meditations usually, but sometime I just use the timer.
This week, I'm also going to ADD doing a daily 7-minute workout each day. Months ago, I found this app called "7", and as the name implies it's SEVEN minutes of a
timed work out. Not even long enough to make you sweaty! But
it's invigorating. Whenever I do it, I'm super glad I did. And the
workouts, believe it or not, can be pretty challenging. You do each
prescribed exercise for 30 seconds. You roll through a lot of quick
exercises in a short amount of time so it's not boring.
like the mediation, I know this stuff is good for me,and I actually like
doing it. There's no reason NOT to do it daily. I think the main reason I don't, is because it's not yet a habit and I often just forget my intention.
This week, I'll do it (well,... both!- the meditating and the 7 minute workout) daily, and keep a running tally that I will post here next week. On Wednesday. Because mid-week just feels a little easier for me to get my blogging thoughts together...
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