But the non-consoling voice won me over this time around. And today, I plunked myself down in my studio and vowed not to get up until a song or two was written.
I ended up writing 3 songs. Because I've never written 3 songs in one day and it just seemed like a do-able thing once the afternoon warmed up. (And I mean that both literally and figuratively... In Dallas, we reached a record temperature of 101 for this day. And as the day warmed, so did my creative juices.)
I've said it before and I'll say it again- and again- and again. You've got to be brave enough to create crap. If you don't create some ugly stuff first, you'll probably never make it to something beautiful.
Of these 3 songs I wrote today one is meh. If I go back and really work on it, it might turn into something good. But honestly, I'll probably never look at it again. Another one, I feel really good about- At least in this moment. It also needs work, but the bones of it feel good. The third one was awful. So awful that although I gave it a title, I wrote "This one sucks" in parenthesis beside it. But there might be one decent line in there- of words or of music... Or neither.
But who cares?!
I wrote 3 freakin' songs today! Songs number 36, 37, and 38 of this batch of 50. Which I WILL make it to. I'm not going to get this close to the finish line, and then flake out. I will crawl over that line if I have to. But I'll get there. On or before October 1!
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