Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Friday

Since I don't participate in any sort of organized religion, I don't observe Good Friday as the "commemorative celebration of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ".  However, this Friday was especially good (for me), and warrants mention!

It was one of those days, where in the midst of it all, I said to myself a few times, "What a day!" and thought about how lucky I am, on so many levels.

It was greatness from start to finish.  I got to catch a great yoga class, I got to get a acupressure foot massage, I got to take Ricky and Lucy over to my dad's gated field and watch them joyously play and sniff around (while I also got to hang out with Dad!), and then I got to go out to eat Thai food with Fermin and our favorite friends.  All that good stuff, and nothing bad in between.

For me it really was a Good Friday!  But I've never understood why such a crummy day for Jesus is called Good Friday.  (I know very little about the story in the bible, obviously, but holy guacamole!  that particular Friday, for Jesus, was anything but good, right?!  So what gives with that moniker, Good Friday?)

Regardless of your religion, or non-religion-- Have a very happy Easter! 


Melissa Sarno said...

Sounds like a 'good' Friday to me too :) Glad you're doing well Kerri! Thai food, yoga, and puppies. That is my kind of day.

Valerie said...

Your day sounds wonderful! I'm glad it was a "Good" Friday!