Tuesday, December 6, 2011


A new show called "Virgin Diaries" just began airing on TLC this week.
It features different virgins of different ages.

On the first show, there was a group of friends- all 3 of them were nearly 30 year old virgins.Altho one had already had sex 7 times with past boyfriends, and said she was a reclaimed virgin. I think reclaimed virgin means "I wanted to be on TV with my girlfriends!"

All three of these ladies talked about how they couldn't wait to meet a guy (soon!) and lose their virginity.  So it didn't seem they were doing it for meaningful reasons.  Or maybe they were at some point, but now, they are just ready for to get it on!

This episode also featured a 35-year old man that had never had sex.  He told his his mom that some friends had suggested he hire a prostitute.  She seemed to think that probably was a good idea, but he decided to instead just try getting hammered at a bar with friends and hopefully meet his first conquest.  So again, his reasons for being a virgin were never really explained.  He didn't seem to be happy about his "condition".

And then, there was a couple-  I'm not sure if they revealed their ages or not, but emotionally, they seemed to be about ten years old.  On the show, they were soon to get married, and up to that point, hadn't even kissed each other! We got to see their first kiss and oh... my... God.  Painful.

We got to hear a little from them on the morning after.  I don't think fireworks went off.  They said it isn't like in the movies.  That it's actually painful.  With kisses like theirs, that's not surprising.

Anyway, I'm not sure what the point of this show is.  Just weird entertainment I guess.  It's definitely not making a strong case for why someone would chose to be a virgin.  In fact, if a virgin was to watch this show, they might end up rethinking their position.  They don't seem to be in very good company.


Valerie said...

haha! my sister sent me a link to the video of that kiss. oh goodness. i'll have to share your post with her.

In other news...my password for leaving a comment was "hipto" as in it's hip to be square? :o)

Marie a la Mode said...

Oh my God that was so awful!

Lisa said...

I didn't see the actual show but I did see the "kiss" (eewwww!) on Good Morning America. I felt embarrassed for them...