There's still a couple hours left on this Monday, which means, whew, there's still time for a little Music Monday!
I pre-ordered my copy of Taylor Swift's 1989 CD and it arrived in the mail today! I know I might still be the only person in the world buying CDs but it's so much more exciting than just a download. Let me tell you! The packaging is sometimes surprising, I love reading the lyrics, and I just love sticking a new CD into my car's player and listening to it over and over! I also load it to my computer for my Ipod. I'm both old fashioned, but I mix it up with a little modern technology. So there.
If you order this CD of Taylor's, you get faux poloroids with captions. Also, a booklet of lyrics and cute graphics.
I'm so into the visual, that at this point, I haven't even listened to the CD! But tomorrow, the CDs going in the car, and I'll get back to you on my overall opinion of it. I tend to love all things Taylor tho, so be forewarned. Altho there is a huge gap in our ages, she still writes songs that I can relate to. Maybe that says something good about her, or possibly something bad about me. Either way, I don't care. I love her. Haters gonna hate, but I'm just gonna Shake it Off!
Love this cute video- And altho I found the song annoying at first, I couldn't help but eventually latch onto it, I've heard it so many times on TV, commercials and radio. It's unavoidable. So I might as well like it... And so should you! Happy Music Monday...
Hi Kerri! As you may recall, I'm not such a fan, however, I really like this song and video. I'm *this* close to downloading the song. Gotta give her props! :o)
Do it, Valerie! You might even want to go so far as to download the whole CD! :)
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