Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ricky Turned TWO!

My boy turned two yesterday!  I can't believe it.  It seems like just a few months ago that he was just a little pup...
The day Ricky came home with us... He immediately knew he could just kick back and relax!
The world got so much better the day he was born into it.  I can't believe how much I just adore him (and Lucy, of course!). 

So to celebrate yesterday I took him to the pet store to pick out a few new balls to play with.
Sitting up to show his appreciation!
Lucy insisted he share, which he was happy to do.
Everything is more fun when you have a BFF to enjoy it with!
I also took him to pick out a cookie.  He picked out one for himself, and one for  Lucy.  Little Teddy Bears with hearts on their chests.
Sharing a cookie was even more generous than sharing toys!
Lucy's birthday is next week.  Hopefully she will be as good of a sharer as Ricky was!

1 comment:

Unknown said...