Saturday, July 10, 2010

Uke Duet!

Several years ago, I bought a ukelele while in Maui.  I love my uke, and thought I'd play it a bunch, but I find that just out of habit and familiarity, I always pick up the guitar instead.

I was a little surprised when the Ukelady asked me to play at her ukelele store's grand opening, since I'm really not a uke player.  But she didn't ask me to play my uke.  (Probably, she knows better!)  So I was just going to take my guitar, as I always do, as my accompaniment.

But one day, my friend Elaine called me and said she noticed I was playing at the Ukelady store and asked if could we do a duet together.  I said yes, of course, but I have to admit I was a little nervous about it.  But it sounded fun, and I knew it made sense to play at least one song on the uke at a Ukelady store!

Elaine picked out the song we would play and came over one night to run through it.

You'll notice on the video, our ukes don't seem to be in tune with each other, or perhaps I'm just hitting lots of wrong chords.  But I LOVE this video anyway.  I was completely out of my element, and playing in front of a lot of uke players, but it's a very sweet memory I'll always have with my friend!

And I am going to get my uke out more regularly.  It's an easy little instrument to play decently.  And now, I've got a cool shop near my house that's going to have Uke Gatherings!  If you live in or near Dallas, you should most definitely swing by and check things out.  It's the only shop I know of anywhere near here that carries really nice ukeleles. 


Unknown said...

I so enjoyed doing this sweet duet with Kerri- so fun and such a great song for so many reasons...and I am also so glad that we now we have a great new Ukulele store located in the heart of East Dallas! It was such a treat to be with some of my friends today. Thank you all.

Jadyn said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun! I love the energy in this video of women just making music together, enjoying each other and having a good time.

Anna Bartlett said...

That is seriously cool. As a visual artist - music is a whole different and wonderful language!

Kelly Warren said...

awesome! i've always loved that song! i've never played a uke, but i did pick up a spanish style classical guitar once and was amazing how much easier it was to play than my full size acoustic! at an even smaller size, i bet the ukelele is even easier. sounds lovely!

nadia said...

looks like SO much fun! love your voice and elaine was really rockin' it. my son purchased a ukelele recently and I love how it sounds! happy day! ciao!

Anonymous said...

I must have missed this post, Great duet, I love the video. It made me smile especially when you smiled in the direction of the camera. So cute. I thought you played well. way to get out of your comfort zone.