Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I am most happy when my bedside table looks something like this...
I've got loads of books awaiting me... This is just one stack.  It's funny how books seem to come all at once, and then every now and then, I just can't find anything that interests me.  (I think when I'm going through one of those stages, it really says something about my overall state of mind!)

A friend of mine says he has a habit of buying a lot of books.  He said one of the reasons is, he feels like as long as he's got books to read, he can't die.  You know, because obviously, you can't die when you're in the middle of a great book-- You have to know how things are going to turn out, after all! 

Anyway, I've got a lot of reading-- and living!-- to do!


Melissa Sarno said...

So if I buy more books I'm warding off death? This is awesome news. BTW I am squinting to see the titles of these books. I'm dying to know what you're reading :)

Suzi said...

I just bought 2 books and was thinking to myself "when am I going to find time to read them". That is one tall stack!

patty said...

Ha - I too have a lot of books going, but they are different types scattered all over the house so it doesn't quite have the same effect as your stack! I find that spending more time online lessens the time I spend with books - mixed feelings about that... Happy Reading!!

Roberta said...

I so love your friends way of thinking...guess I'm gonna be around here for a lonnngggg time since I have so many stacks of books to read. That and the fact that I keep buying more...borederline insane...but but very happy ;)

Robin Norgren, M.A, R-YT, Spiritual Director said...

oh my gosh - I have this same WONDERFUL "problem!"