Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well, I'm plugging away with the 50 songs in 90 days. I've written 23 songs now!

I feel pretty creatively inspired lately. I've read some great books, seen some movies, and I'm into the new hobby of jewelry making. All of that inspires me and adds to the wellspring of ideas that I need as a songwriter.

A few years ago, I was taking a mosaics class. I remember one day after class, I came home just so happy to have found the art of mosaics. I loved finding the little pieces to fit together. I loved the way time passed so quickly because I was so focused on what I was creating. Anyway, I wrote a song about it that day. It seems to me that one creative endeavor begets another creative expression. Whenever I'm feeling a little stale, I realize it's time to take a class in something, or look at some art, or see a film. Usually, that really helps get my creative juices flowing again.

And really, just spending time alone and allowing a little space for things to start flowing- I know how important that is as well.

I read lots of books on creativity. One of my favorites is The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I was in a group that met weekly as we read through the chapters of that book and did many of the exercises in it. I think that group dynamic fed me more than the book itself. My song called Walk Beside Me, which is also the title of one of my cds, was written about that group of people. It's such a benefit to have a person, or a group of people, to bounce ideas around with. I miss having that creative group. We've all kind of gone our separate ways now.

Like I said, I think creativity begets creativity.
So what inspires you, creatively speaking?


darren said...

I kid you not. I'm in the process of making a mosaic sundial.

kerri said...

how cool!